Upcoming Mother’s Group!

Join us for our upcoming Mothers’ Group starting tomorrow Wednesday, October 2nd! Connect with other moms, share experiences, and receive support in a warm, welcoming environment. We can’t wait to see you!

¡Únete a nuestro próximo Grupo de Madres a partir del miércoles 2 de octubre! Conéctate con otras mamás, comparte experiencias y recibe apoyo en un ambiente cálido y acogedor. ¡No podemos esperar para verte!

Martha Elliot Health Fair!

Back to School Fair!

Little Hands, Big Milstones! ASQ

Little hands, big milestones! 🌟 Discover where your child is developmentally with our Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ). Contact us to make an appointment!
¡Pequeñas manos, grandes hitos! 🌟 Descubra dónde se encuentra su hijo en el desarrollo con nuestro Cuestionario de edades y etapas (ASQ). ¡Contáctanos para concertar una cita!

Back to School Events!

A few back to school events for families to attend with their children…
Algunos eventos para el regreso a las escuelas para asistir con sus hijos presentes…

Above The Clouds

Another successful flight day with Above the Clouds!
A partnership was formed with The Boston Collaborative High school
Boston Collaborative High School (BCHS) is an alternative high school within the Boston Public Schools that serves opportunity youth.
4 amazing youth flew with their pilots and were so thankful for this wonderful opportunity!!!

Calling New Parents! Welcome Baby Program

Parents of children 0-9 months, residents of Jamaica plain 02119-02130 please contact us for a Welcome baby visit!

Jp Neighborhood Trauma Team Event

Our team doing their best work engaging with families!! @ Mildred C. Haile

JP Neighborhood Trauma Team back to school event!

Above The Clouds!

Above the Clouds brings joy and hope through the wonder of flight to children and teens who have a serious illness or disability, are underserved and/or are facing other adversity.
Here is your chance to have your child be a part of this wonderful opportunity, participate in Dream Flyer Day, Saturday, Sept 16th! Many have seen me post pictures and videos of the many flights provided in the past couple of months and we now have the chance to select 3 more kids. If you would like for your child to participate in this amazing activity, please let us know why we should pick your child by sending us a private message.

Hot Dog Night!

MCH hot dog night
Arts and crafts with Jennifer Leonard!