Little Hands, Big Milstones! ASQ

Little hands, big milestones! 🌟 Discover where your child is developmentally with our Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ). Contact us to make an appointment!
¡Pequeñas manos, grandes hitos! 🌟 Descubra dónde se encuentra su hijo en el desarrollo con nuestro Cuestionario de edades y etapas (ASQ). ¡Contáctanos para concertar una cita!

Back to School Events!

A few back to school events for families to attend with their children…
Algunos eventos para el regreso a las escuelas para asistir con sus hijos presentes…

The Process of Spring

Our event, The Process of Spring!!! Kids had a great time learning about the Spring season while creating their own artwork, dancing to music, and enjoying snacks.

Jp Neighborhood Trauma Team Event

Our team doing their best work engaging with families!! @ Mildred C. Haile

JP Neighborhood Trauma Team back to school event!

UPK Storytime every Wednesday!

Join us every Wednesday for our UPK Story time with our parent partner Tameka on our Facebook live at 11am! 

After the story, you will learn about the UPK program. In Boston, we have Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK), which is a blended portfolio of programs funded by the City of Boston that offers high-quality options for three- and four-year-olds living in the city at no cost to families. UPK is a 6.5 hour school day for 180 days a year. The eligibility criteria are:

· The child is three to four years of age as of September 1 of the school year for which you are seeking to enroll;
· A Boston resident.
For more information, call us at 617.522.4832 or email Glendaliz Tejeda at

Playgroup/Mothers Group 5.19

Kids Playgroup 5.26

On Friday, kids learned about emotions during our playgroup at Curtis Hall.
Look at those face they made 😍.
El Viernes, los Niños aprendieron sobre las emociones durante el Grupo de desarrollo de Niños en Curtis Hall.
Miren las caritas que crearon 😍

March/April Newsletter

Tools for Tiny Hands Playgroup 10/07/2022

8/26/22 Kids Playgroup

Please enjoy our most recent playgroup that took place at Mozart Park in JP.