Parent-Child Playgroup

Join our weekly parent-child playgroup today and every Wednesday from 12:30-1:30pm at 33 Bickford Street at the Nurtury Learning Lab. For crawlers, little walkers and siblings! 🧸🌟

Winter Clothes Giveaway

Thank you to all who stopped by to fill a few bags with gently used donated winter on the look out for another round on Monday from 10-1pm weather permitting!

Gracias a todos que llegaron a recojer ropa de invierno y otros articulos.. porfavor esten alertos a esta pagina por si hacemos lo mismo el Lunes si la temporada lo permite!


Free Halloween Costumes for Kids!

Upcoming Parent Class

Haitian Mother Group/Financial Literacy

Today at our Haitian Mother’s Group we had another Financial Literacy session to teach them some carreer pathways they can pursue. Thanks to JPNDC for this amazing session, The Community Builders for offering the space, and the Boston-Suffolk County Family Resource Center for donating multiple sets of bedding. Mothers were so happy to receive them! 🙌

MSPCA Pet Clinic

The MSPCA did it again…Thank you MSPCA for all that you do to keep our furry friends healthy and happy….
Stay tuned for the next clinics in the Fall!!

Welcome Baby Program!

Good Morning families,
This morning i would like to share some information on our Welcome Baby program.
Our WB program is for parents with children Newborn to 9 months old. We meet with the caregiver, at our site, public place or their home.
We fill out a form, to learn more about the caregiver and the baby.
At the end, we provide a WB basket with essentials for the baby 🥰🥰
If you are a caregiver from the Jamaica Plain area and your child meets the age range, please give us a call 617-522-4832 or send us a private message here on Facebook.
Buenos dias familias,
Esta mañana me gustaría compartir información sobre nuestro programa Welcome Baby.
Nuestro programa WB es para padres con niños recién nacidos hasta los 9 meses de edad. Nos reunimos con el cuidador, en nuestro sitio, lugar público o en su casa.
Completamos un formulario, para saber más sobre la cuidadora y el bebé.
Al final, regalamos una canasta de WB con elementos esenciales para el bebé 🥰🥰
Si usted es un cuidador del área de Jamaica Plain y su hijo cumple con el rango de edad, llámenos al 617-522-4832 o envíenos un mensaje privado aquí en Facebook.

Calling New Parents! Welcome Baby Program

Parents of children 0-9 months, residents of Jamaica plain 02119-02130 please contact us for a Welcome baby visit!

Unity Day at MCH